The most visibly straightforward example of expanded narrative space is spilt-screen cinema.
On a screen interface inscribed by spilt-screen the competing elements are very clear. The competing elements also introduce a paradoxical relationship between the viwer and contemporary cinematic technologies. As the power of computer modelling allows the past to be revisited by viwers as well as charaters within a story-world, a doubled relationship becomes apparent.
Notes2: Soft cinema
- Following the standard convention of the human-computer interface, the display area is always divided into multiple frames.
- The Soft Cinema software controls both the layout of the screen and the the sequences of media elements that appear in these frames.
Soft cinema-"Somebody save me"
At the heart of soft cinema is custom software and media databases. The software edits movies in real time by choosing the elements from the database using the systems of rules defined by the authors. In the soft cinema, the clips that been selected to play one after another are always connected on some dimension-geographical location, type of movement in the shot, type of location, and so on. But the dimension can change randomly from sequence to sequence. In addition, in contrast to a traditional film, there are no dissolves or cross-fades. Instead one screen layout is instantly replaced by another.